
As Presbyterians, our shepherding leadership consists of a plurality of elders. We refer to the elders together as the Session, which provides local care and oversight of the congregation. Elders also serve as delegates to the higher courts of Presbytery and Synod in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America.

Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.

1 Timothy 5:17


We recognize one office of elder with two distinct functions of teaching and ruling. All elders bear the responsibility of ruling as under-shepherds of Christ. Teaching elders, commonly called pastors, have the responsibility of preaching God’s word and administering the sacraments.

Jonathan Leach

Jonathan served as the organizing pastor of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in San Antonio until he retired and the end of 2022. He now serves as a ruling elder and continues to provide regular preaching and leadership. Jonathan received his BA in Biblical Studies from Geneva College in 1981 and his Masters of Divinity from the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in 1984. He served as pastor of an RP Church in the Philadelphia area during the 1980s before accepting a commission as chaplain in the US Army Reserve. After 27 years in uniform he retired from the Army chaplaincy as a colonel in 2015. He is euphorically married to Mary Lou.

David Handermann

David served first as a deacon and then as an elder at Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church in Maryland until moving to Texas in 2021. After acting as a consultative member of the San Antonio Commission of Presbytery, David was elected as a ruling elder for the Reformed Presbyterian Church in San Antonio in 2023. He and his wife Hannah have five children.